Andy Gill - Sea Kayak Guide

The West Coast of Scotland is a special place for me.

I grew up in the North East of England with the endless beaches of Northumbria in front and the hills and moors of the Cheviots behind - an amazing wild playground. However it was only when I studied Environmental Science and Outdoor Education at Stirling University that I realised Scotland was an even more epic playground! - every opportunity I got to take a break from my studies I would head out into the winter mountains or out to Scotland's spectacular coastline.

Read more about Andy's journey as a sea kayak guide

My true love for sea kayaking really started to grow when I had the chance to work for Outward bound in Hong Kong, giving me access to the varied coastline around the South China Sea. I knew instantly that I wanted to explore further in a sea kayak - the speed of the kayak and the way they effortlessly tick off the miles, gracefully moving through the waves.

My perfect day Sea kayaking would definitely involve a bit of play among the rocks, hopping between hidden lagoons and finding a few caves to explore. I would land on a gorgeous white sandy beach for lunch. I'd spend the afternoon looking for Otters and Seals and just as the suns setting I'd glide home with the last of the light. Privileged that the West Coast of Scotland can accommodate all of this!

I particularly enjoy the freedom of Sea kayaking, having the ability to avoid the crowds, explore places people wouldn’t normally be able to access and being able to see the coastline from a totally different perspective. It’s also by far the best way to get up close and view some fantastic marine and birdlife. Sharing these experiences with friends or clients is a very rewarding experience and for me makes being a sea kayak guide the perfect job.

I'm looking forward to testing my skill and fitness on longer expeditions in the future - watch this space!


Andy is a BC Advanced Sea Kayak Leader. Additionally he is qualified as a Summer Mountain Leader and a Rock Climbing Instructor.

Andy enjoys a bit of endurance and has paddled over 100km in a single day and enjoys pushing himself to paddle further.

“I remember a solo circumnavigation of Holy Island. It was drawing towards the end of a windy, tiring day and I was making the final stretch back down to Bamburgh castle. I recall feeling extremely jealous at the effortlessness of 20 seals as they swam and jumped alongside my boat the entire way back. Keeping me company on a day with no one else around!”

Take a look at some of the trips that Andy guides

Full list of our expeditions - Sea Kayak Expeditions