Home » Sea Kayak Expeditions » Sea Kayak Shetland

Sea Kayak Shetland

6 full paddling days (conditions dependant) Shetland Outdoor centre

What to Expect  A sea kayaking holiday to Shetland has a lot to offer - the many different aspects and types of coastline coupled with the Atlantic on one side and the North sea on the other means that there will always be lots of energy in the sea. However, its not all big waves and exposed headlands - there are many sheltered sections of coastline to explore and they are no less spectacular than the big Atlantic cliffs.

This trip will be guided by Mike and Kag who have spent many previous trips exploring Shetland - Mike's solo circumnavigation of Shetland video can be seen below.

We will paddle day trips from a comfortable base on the Shetland Mainland. This trip will involve demanding paddling suitable for strong intermediate paddlers, please check the grading information below if you are interested in this trip.

Trip Highlights   A six day sea kayak holiday exploring the Shetland Isles.

  • Spectacular islands offering some stunning sea kayaking.
  • Shetland is home to some incredibly impressive caves, arches and tunnels- we'll paddle through plenty on this trip.
  • The islands are rich in wildlife - Seabirds, Seals, Otters and Whales can all be seen here.
  • A chance to complete advanced sea kayaking journeys with powerful tides and exposed coastline.


16th - 21st August | £1095 per person | Contact us if interested in this trip

Scroll down to see the story or the trip information


Shown as an example, plans are always based around the conditions we encounter on a trip.

Day 1 - Arrival in Shetland

We'll meet in Lerwick on the morning of day one after getting the overnight ferry from Aberdeen. You are welcome to join us on the overnight ferry, or you could fly to Shetland, or travel a few days earlier for an extended holiday or travel on the ferry from Orkney.

We'll head out straight away to our first paddling location - aiming to get a full days sea kayaking on every day of this trip. The trip can be very flexible and we'll paddle day trips from our accomodation in locations that work well with the forecasted conditions - there are plenty of options.

Day 2 & 3 - Exploring the Shetland Mainland

From our base at Brae we'll be well placed to head out in any direction and find some stunning coastline to explore. Right on our doorstep is the island of Muckle Roe - famous for its labyrinth of caves and tunnels, just made for exploring by sea kayak.

Heading North we can explore the remote and wild coastline of Northmavine, journeying to the stunning tombola beach at Uyea.

In the South of Shetland the imposing headlands of Sumburgh and Fitfull offer dramatic paddling in calm conditions and in rougher weather we can visit the lighthouse on foot and watch wild seas below.

There are many excellent places to paddle and we can choose between all aspects of coastline - meaning if the swell is coming from the West we can explore the East coast and find better conditions.

Day 4 & 5 - The Outer Isles

The islands that surround the Shetland mainland are also well worth exploring.

A personal favourite is the Northernmost point of Britain - Muckle Flugga and Hermaness offer a very rewarding journey among towering cliffs and fast tides whilst thousands of Gannets and Puffins wheel overhead.

Papa Stour is another famous place to explore - home to some of the longest sea caves in the world, on a calm day you can lose hours exploring tunnels and caves.

Bressay and Noss are a classic that has to be visited on every trip to Shetland - the scale of the Gannet colony is hard to take in and a truly awe inspiring place.

Day 6 - A Final Day of Kayaking

We'll aim to paddle on our final day - the overnight ferry doesn't leave until 19.00 so we've got plenty of time to get one more journey in before heading home.

If we have time to spare then taking a walk through Lerwicks historic dock and streets is a great way to say goodbye to the islands - until next time!

Trip Information

Accommodation Accommodation is included in the trip fee. We will stay at Voxter outdoor centre (we will have exclusive use). The centre has three dormitory rooms sleeping between 6 and 8 people per room - these three rooms will be shared between a maximum of 7 clients. You may also camp in the grounds of the centre if you prefer. The centre is basic but comfortable and an excellent base for exploring from.

Food Doesn't include food. You are welcome to self cater for the entire trip - the centre has a full kitchen and Shetland has plenty of food shops. We may also choose to eat out or we may choose to cook communal meals, the cost of which can be shared between the group.

Travel and Meeting We will meet in the car park for the Northlink ferry terminal at approximately 07.45 (or once we are off the ferry) on the 16th August. Trip ends in this same car park at 17.30 on the 21st August. No transport to Shetland is included in the trip fee. If you wish to use your own kayak then we can transport this to Shetland if you meet us in Aberdeen the afternoon prior to the first day of the trip (and we will bring it back at the end of the trip!). Shetland can be reached by overnight ferry from Aberdeen or Kirkwall (Orkney) or by air travel. You can bring your own vehicle to Shetland and use this during the trip if you wish.

Inter Island Ferries We may complete day trips which involve travelling to different islands, dependant on conditions (such as Unst for Hermaness and Muckle Flugga or Bressay for Noss). These ferry fares are not included in the trip fee but will be shared between the group (about £8 to £12 per person depending on group size).

Group Up to seven people with two guides.

Equipment All specialist kayaking equipment can be provided. For the accommodation you'll need to bring a sleeping bag or rent a bedding pack for £20.


Frequently Asked Questions 

Individuals, couples or small groups of friends. This trip is not open to under 18's.

Yes - a lot of learning about sea kayaking comes from experience and is best done as individuals on the move and in context. We won't spend time on long instructional briefings or static group skills practice during an expedition but will give you hints and tips on the journey to make it easier for you and suggest improvements to your technique as we go along. We'll help you develop your knowledge and sea kayak handling skill throughout the trip but also allow plenty of time simply to enjoy the journey and the experience of sea kayaking.

The weather on the West coast of Scotland can vary through the course of the season and from area to area - Scottish islands and coastline can see dramatically better weather and more sunshine than more mountainous areas on the West coast. The wind speed and sea state are the primary factors that affect the trip - if the conditions are difficult then we will seek out a more sheltered section of coast to run the trip. You should note that it is very rare that we have to stay off the water on multi-day trips and the vast majority of trips run as planned. For full terms and conditions see the link below. You can read more about the weather/cancellation/booking on our FAQ page.

A 25% deposit is required at the time of booking, the balance is due 11 weeks prior to the trip, for cancellation policy please see our full terms and conditions.

We have a much larger FAQ page that covers all aspects of sea kayak trips with us.

Other Trips to Consider

Full list - Sea Kayak Expeditions